Literal Music To Your Ears

Remember those toys way back when that had the needles that molded to the contour of your face? Is that reference too archaic?

Well, how about the iTunes Genius creating playlists based on your taste in music? We on the same page now? Good, because there's now a device that can tailor musical choices to your hearing sensitivity.

AUMEO calls itself the "World's 1st Tailored Audio Device" because it can actually map your sensitivity to different sounds and then create music/audio profile that is completely unique to you. As co-founder Paul Lee puts it, just as we all have different fingerprints we also have different "hearing prints." This is the main point of the device, which allows you to experience sound that is perfectly tailored to your ears or the optimal "hearing potential."


Best part is AUMEO can be used with any other devices that are capable of sound and it also has Bluetooth capabilities. It's like the Burger King of the audio world, you can have it your way!

Images courtesy of AUMEO