Digital Immortality and Human Singularity
In about a half a century, individuals may have the option of becoming immortal.Well, kinda...let us explain.According to tech-futurists attending the Global Futures 2045 International Congress held between June 14-15th , in the next 50 years, it may be possible to upload people's "minds" onto a computer, which in effect, will allow them to continue their existence via digital singularity; you can think of it as a hub of human experience gathered and stored together. While this may sound a bit nuts, this is one of the possible futures dreamt up by reputable researchers from various institutions.
According to Moore’s law, computing powers of modern technology double every two years, therefore it's only reasonable to expect scientists and engineers to dream up wildly interesting prospects for the future. Just 20 years ago, even something like Apple’s Siri was just a figment of the scientific imagination, but here we are, asking our mobile devices to plan our days and remind us of our commitments.
Some conference attendees even stated that the entire point of technology is to ultimately eliminate death. While this notion is definitely debatable, to entertain the possibilities of technology, and our future relationship with it, is certainly interesting.Information Source: HuffPo Image Source: Wiki Commons