Melissa McCarthy! Where Did You Get That Dress?
Fashion. Fashion. Fashion. Fashion. Why is it that when we hear those words we automatically start conjuring images of super skinny Hollywood starlets walking around with pouty lips and hungry - often annoyed - facial expressions? Oh, that’s right, because, many of those mega fashion-forward women tend to fit this very vague but mostly accurate description.It’s no secret that in tinsel town high fashion is usually associated with slender women and not with those who have a little something extra. Well, Hollywood, get off your super skinny high horse, Melissa McCarthy is kicking these ill-conceived notions way to the curb, and she’s doing it in style.While many of us know this darling of comedy for her acting chops, not that many of us know her for her awesome fashion sense, which she most certainly does have. Unlike the manly, assertive and somewhat rugged characters she’s previously portrayed on screen, the real Melissa McCarthy is quite feminine and graceful in her none scripted life.
If you’ve seen her red carpet style, then you know that she the antithesis of her character in Bridesmaids, thank god. Yet, what many you might not know, is that she is designing a fashion line for plus size women, and it is mainly inspired by her own experiences in Hollywood.
When she couldn’t find a dress to wear to the Emmy’s, she decided that she didn’t have the time to wait for someone else to figure out a plus size evening gown, so she enlisted the help of her red carpet collaborator, Daniella Pearl, to help Melissa design her own clothing line.We have no idea how it’s going to look, but if her red carpet appearances are anything to go by, she will look radiant, classy, and super sexy. Who cares if she’s got a little something extra, she knows how to use and it look good doing it. So stay tuned…Image Source: Associated Press