The New Craze ... Man Bags!!!

As I strolled down the city streets this lovely spring day...I couldn't help but notice men, short or tall, young or old, sporting bags, bags and more bags! What can I say - I love it! Men are reaching beyond their wallets and laptop carriers to manage their load and this trend has spanned beyond your big city streets. And why not!


Bags are an accessible, quick and easy way to have all of your things in one place. Man bags are more than practical, they can make quite the statement.


Man Bags are everywhere and are here to stay! From your techies to your button down will now see more men with a Starbucks in one hand and a man bag in another. To find your next cool bag without all the big logos, check out, or Each site carries well crafted bags for a variety of tastes for both men and women. Let us know if you've spotted a young chap with his manbee™ this week.





Quote from a man bag curator: "I don't buy anything for roztayger that I don't see a client being able to use in a myriad of ways: from jeans to a dressy setting. I see my client as not spending long periods of time trying different outfits on. They have kids, a job - maybe both and he or she is busy but she still wants to look like they have a style." -Elizabeth Jeffer, Founder of roztayger.comPhotos courtesy www.roztayger.comPhotography by Justin Bridges - Photographer, Fashion & Style | www.tuckedstyle.comResearch assistance by Carlotta Harrington, Research Editor for Raine Magazine For more stories on the "must know" check out

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