Raine Loves Audrey: Virtual Scavenger Hunt Challenge

Are you as big of an Audrey Kitching fan as we are? If the answer is yes, get ready to rock our scavenger hunt challenge featuring our fabulous and fashionable - cover star! Raine Magazine will randomly select three fans who complete all the tasks and send an email with the requested information to cperez@rainemagazine.com by Thursday, April 18th at 11:59 PM EST to win an amazing prize pack including an exclusive signed copy of Raine Magazine featuring Audrey on the cover and skincare prizes from Epice!


Ready, set, GO!

  • Find and follow Audrey Kitching, Raine Magazine, and Epice on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram

  • Update your Facebook status to tell your friends you’re competing in our challenge and be sure to mention Raine Magazine and Audrey Kitching!

  • Find the secret password! (hint: our Tweet Chat sponsor is all about this!)

  • Create a board on Pinterest called Raine Loves Audrey and pin the following:

    • Pin your must-have spring accessory.

    • Repin a product you’d love to own from Epice.

    • Repin a vegan recipe from Audrey that you want to try.

    • Pin a quote that inspires you.

    • Repin a destination you’d love to travel to from Raine.

    • Pin a cool new product you love.

    • Pin something that inspires you to be healthy.

    • Pin additional images and quotes that describe your style.

    • All pins must include hashtag #rainelovesaudrey

  • Are you seeing double? Find the hot new hair trend Audrey dishes about on her blog and comment on it!

  • Show us your style: Instagram a picture that encompasses your style with the hashtags #rainelovesaudrey

  • Tweet the summer style you’re excited to try with the hashtag #rainelovesaudrey

  • Visit Epice’s Facebook, find the picture of Audrey, and like it!

  • Share one of Audrey’s posts from her Raine Magazine Facebook page takeover

  • Post a YouTube music video from one of the musical artists featured in Raine Magazine’s Spring Hollywood & Glamour Issue on Raine Magazine’s Facebook page.

Did you complete the list? Send an email to cperez@rainemagazine.com and include:


First & Last Name

Mailing Address

Email Address

Facebook URL

Twitter Handle

Pinterest Handle

Instagram Handle

The Secret Password

CultureRaine Magazine