Undefined Jewelry - Breaking Boundaries Within Jewelry, Conceptions of Beauty, and Gender.

Collaborating with various artists, Undefined becomes not only a jewelry company but a platform fostering innovative designs beyond accessories, unhindered by individual ego. These collaborations leverage multiple brands direct-to-consumer, supporting artists while improving product quality and price for customers. Founder 33-year old Kiera Junghyun Kim strives on the art of fluidity.

Innovation and creativity are rooted in constant change and evolution – it’s about fluidity. Kiera constantly designs with this in mind; never being static, never being typecast, while constantly creating in ways that cannot be easily defined, but immediately felt. Design is not only an intelligent solution to issues that affect humanity but one that must also express our emotions, desires, and identity. Kiera makes that possible with the ways she interacts with customers and in the creative developments of her pieces.

Kiera started her brand Undefined, built on exploring ideas of versatility and fluidity through collaborations with artists around the world. “I am not only interested in the creative process of design but also in fostering relationships with independent designers and artists, in order to offer works of art to customers that support local businesses and talented individuals all over the world.” - Kiera Junghyun Kim

FashionRaine Creative