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Janar Abrayeva. Designing at Drape.

Janar Abrayeva is a leading designer at Drape, which is the first 3D digital clothing producer and store in central Asia. Janar currently lives and works in Kazakhstan, illustrating and designing incredible prints, patterns, 3D clothing and Jewellery. Below you can find out more regarding her journey into the digital fashion scene and how she stays inspired to create, as well as see some of her beautiful designs. You can follow Janar on Instagram (@janartpro) to see more of her work here.

1)     What has been the most challenging moment so far that you have had to overcome when building your portfolio

After graduating with a degree in fine arts I started to learn more about 3D modelling programs. When I started exploring my skills in 3D I created a lot of works as an exercise for myself, not for commercial clients. So, one of the most challenging moments for me was selecting the best works to put in my portfolio. 

2) What is some advice you can give in finding a creative career? 

Be persistent and patient. Everything starts with an idea. In the process and practice, you get clearer vision of what you are doing and where you are going.

3) What is your “why?” Why did you choose to pursue this path of digital fashion? 

From a young age high fashion and technology were areas that really interested me, something I really liked and admired. At some point, I realized that I can combine my passion for fashion and technologies. That’s how I got into digital fashion. 

4) Was there one particular moment/ life experience which led to you wanting to become a designer? 

I realized that I wanted to be involved in fashion when I created my first pattern for a piece of fabric. I really enjoyed drawing illustrations and creating patterns for clothes. That’s when I probably realized that I wanted to work in fashion.

5) What has been the most surprising/ gratifying outcome you have experienced during your creative journey? 

Appreciation of my work and positive feedback is probably what motivates me the most. Also, some of my works inspired other designers to experiment with digital fashion. When I noticed that my works can inspire other people I realized that I was on the right track. 

6) How would you describe your signature design “look”? Why do your creations stand out? 

I pay close attention to details. When I create a visual I always try to emphasize a small detail that I like. 

7) In your opinion, how has/ will technology change the fashion industry? How would you like the industry to change?

Technology is enabling the fashion industry to be more cost effective and sustainable. It allows you to transform any crazy idea into reality and also gives you more opportunities to implement crazy ideas.

8) What upcoming projects/ goals are you most excited about? 

I am currently developing my skills to create virtual characters and avatars. In the future I would love to curate avatars. 

9) If you could give yourself advice 5 years ago, knowing what you do now, what would it be? 

I would tell myself to focus my attention and study what I really like. Also, to develop practical skills.

10) What are your tips for finding inspiration? What are your own personal sources to generate creativity? 

I follow fashion brands that inspire me and contemporary artists. However, my personal source of creativity is in simple everyday things, like shadows on the street falling from buildings and surroundings: nature, wind, leaves on the grass and pure elements such as these.