An Exlusive Interview with Alexandra Icart

Founder Digital Fashion Forum Monte-Carlo

Alexandra is a fashion designer and creative entrepreneur. She is also the CEO and Founder of both Digital Fashion Lab and the Monte Carlo Digital Fashion Forum  Monte Carlo. Alexandra was inspired to launch the creator of the Cyber Jeans Project, an initiative that incentivises the digital production of jeans. Producing digitally cuts down on the amount of excess denim used in this process. As part of her work with the Fashion Forum, Alexandra has also been a key figure in launching the upcoming Monte Carlo Digital Fashion Challenge event. This online event aims to showcase talent within the digital fashion space from around the world. There are awards and prizes for the winning designers, which include a feature with Raine Magazine. Recently Alexandra was inaugurated into the Monaco Chamber of Digital Technologies, becoming the first designer to accomplish this.


  1. What was your initial entry point into the field of digital fashion?

I am a fashion designer and Pre-COVID, I was preparing my collection for a fashion show in Florida. However, everything was cancelled once the pandemic hit. I put my collection in boxes and realized that this virus may change my work forever. However, the fashion designers I work with have very active and inquisitive minds. Even COVID couldn't stop us from thinking or creating. One day, I came across a Vogue article on digital fashion. During the following week, I dove into the study of this subject. After 2 weeks, I talked with a friend of mine who works in the programming industry who explained to me the technical specifics of the Clo 3D program (a digital fashion creation tool). This was how it all started.


2. What is your creative inspiration for getting involved in the world of digital fashion?

For me, as a designer, the most attractive thing about digital fashion is that it has no boundaries and limits for the creator. It is possible to create anything you can imagine while allowing you to use the most incredible materials. 


3. How has your journey as a creative/entrepreneur influenced how you run your business?

Before the pandemic, I worked exclusively in denim fashion. I was lucky enough to visit and work in Italian denim factories, where I saw how denim collections are created for such super brands as Dolce & Gabbana and Gucci. I have also seen how the creation of these prestigious luxury denim outfits pollute the environment.

After seeing the pollution for myself, I decided to switch my creativity to digital fashion. I decided that I would start my new work by creating digital denim collections. So, I created the Digital Fashion Lab (a start-up in Monaco) and we started the Cyber Jeans project.

In a nutshell, the point of this project is that we propose to the denim industry to stop producing samples. We encourage them to instead make samples exclusively in digital format. This will make jeans manufacturing more sustainable.


4. If you had a piece of advice for aspiring digital fashion designers what would it be?

Try different styles, but find your own path and segment in digital fashion.

5.What unique qualities does Monaco have as a hub for digital fashion?

Monaco is a country that is open to innovations and projects dedicated to talented youth. At the same time, it is a very visible international platform for art and design. That is why we are confident in the success of our projects, and that they will be supported by the international fashion industry, the digital design community, social media, and the press.


6.What in your opinion are the qualities that make a designer’s work stand out from the crowd?

A real artist, creating his work, leaves a part of himself in it. I think this is a sign of talent. It doesn't even really depend on the techniques and materials that this designer is using. It is purely his talent that makes his work stand out.


7.How do you think the digital fashion scene in Monte-Carlo has evolved during your time in the industry?

I must be frank on this matter. In fact, I am lucky to be the pioneer of digital fashion in Monte-Carlo. I am the first fashion designer who became a member of the Chamber of Digital Technologies of Monaco. At first, the administration was surprised at my request to join this Chamber. However, I was able to prove the importance of digital fashion for the future of the global industry and its positive impact on nature. Thus, our start-up ( and the international social platform at the Digital Fashion Forum (@digital_fashion_forum), marked a new stage in the development of digital technologies in Monaco.


8.What was the spark of inspiration behind the creation of the Monte-Carlo Digital Fashion Forum?

A year and a half ago when I started developing my cyber jeans project, I needed to find a motion designer for the collaboration. It was a time when, due to the virus, no one worked in their offices. Everyone was at home. I spent three days on Google trying to find a designer. As a result, I understood that it was necessary to create a dedicated professional platform for digital fashion designers. This platform would make them visible so that the industry and brands could quickly find the right experts.


9.How do you hope the platforms and opportunities for the award winners within the upcoming the Digital Fashon Challenge will enhance their career opportunities going forward?

Nowadays, a very large number of designers have switched to digital technologies. From my point of view, becoming successful - means being noticed and “visible” for fashion brands, getting a good contract or a place at a prestigious fashion event.Therefore, I believe that the main mission of our Digital Fashion Challenge event is to provide an opportunity to become "visible" for real talents in this field and help them connect with brands and industries in dire need of digitalization.


10. What specifics qualities are you looking for when judging entries for the Supernova Award in colaberation with Raine Magazine?

It's like the discovery of the supernova star. We can discover a designer who has an extraordinary vision for fashion design and at the same time has the technical abilities to digitally express it.

11.What do you see as the next major trends within the digital fashion field in the next three to five years?

The dgital fashion trends are very much related to trends in “real” fashion.

I think that the main trend will be the simplification and maximum comfort of clothes in our “real” life and as a counter balance, the transition to futuristic and complex styles in digital fashion. I also believe that dressing comfortably in real life and dressing fantastically in virtual worlds and social media is a general trend but also is the next trend in digital fashion.

Additionally, after analysing the artwork of the participants of our event Challenge Monte-Carlo, I can say that the complication of construction and form of clothes, as well as the use of effects and fantastic, "unreal" materials, is a trend that I can see right now. Lastly, I see the nostalgia for history in virtual fashion. The digital interpretation of vintage or historical costumes is very visible and welcomed on all social media.