Yahoo x Tumblr
With the hindrance to keep up with social media and large collaborations between companies (ie: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Google+, LiveJournal), Yahoo tries to stay ahead of the curb by buying none other than Tumblr for a hefty 1.1 billion. Tumblr, a popular microblogging site is used daily as a social media platform allowing users to showcase individual eye for ascetics, brands, and even small business owned companies. This is a site that hosts over 108 million blogs on average with a total of 50 billion entries since the site’s inception. David Karp, CEO of TumblrTumblr’s past and present CEO, David Karp is the one who possesses this marvelous site. With his main headquarters in the Flatiron Distinct of NY, he swears by Yahoo that they will not create chaos from this collaboration. With Google commanding much of the search engine throne, Yahoo’s best title has been fantasy sports for the longest. There is much to dispute in regards to the profit of the Yahoo upon Tumblr especially compared to Facebook’s wage towards Instragram last year of only 1 billion straight. An analyst such as Mr. Sundar of Yahoo hopes to do more collaboration with such newcomers; Vine or Videomotion to help further Tumblr on its way.
One of Yahoo's latest tweets on TwitterWith users already threatening and signing petitions upon leaving, how much of a gamble is this? Even with promises of independency and Karp remaining CEO with the same visions, is this enough assurance for our young bloggers? Plus with Yahoo already tweeting about how to make this free site more family friendly, an outrage is most definitely in the works for our loyal users. Naked people, that is one hashtag our users will not be willing to sacrifice. Tumblr is bursting with amateur pornography. The site’s terms of service already forewarns of explicity, just labeling it as NSFW (not safe for work) does not exempt it under Yahoo’s conditions.
Ah, let the true debates begin.