Walk, Walk, Fashion Baby

This photographer’s photography skills make fashion come to life

Javier Vallhonrat was born in 1953 in Madrid and studied painting at the Fine Arts Faculty of the University of Madrid in the early seventies. He received a degree in Fine Arts at the University of Madrid and reached international recognition while contributing his photos to several fashion designers and for Conde Nast Publications. In 1992 he broadened his interest in photography and began creating advertising films while also teaching photography on the side at the Cuenca School of Fine Arts. Today he still contributes photos to French Vogue, Italian Vogue, Japanese Vogue, Mixte, Big, and others. He also teaches creative photography in various universities in Spain.JAVIER VALLHONRAT FASHION PHOTOGRAPHERJAVIER VALLHONRAT FASHION PHOTOGRAPHERJAVIER VALLHONRAT FASHION PHOTOGRAPHERFashion and photography are two art forms that when combined create the dynamic combination of fashion photography, which is an expression of these two arts together. Anna Wintour, the man fashion editor of American Vogue, says “Our needs are simple. We want a photographer to take a dress, make the girl look pretty, give us lots of images to choose from, and not give us any attitude. Photographers-if they are any good- want to create art.” Javier Vallhonrat does just that. His pictures have a touch of painterly feel to them from the mixing of color, light, and other factors that create tell a dreamlike story about the picture. Javier describes his photos like so: “In my pictures, the frame is no longer a window; it’s more a frontier, a border in relation to the body. The body creates a tension around itself, and the body defines a space. When I present a hexagon in a photograph, I am actually photographing a cube, a three-dimensional object. In translating that three-dimensional reality into a photograph, what it once was is now meaningless. What’s now important is that you have a hexagon, a two-dimensional object, in your hands.”Source - Trendland magazinePhoto Courtesy -  Top-Fashion-Photographers.info