The Way of an Artist
Throughout elementary school, Evan Sebastian Lagache took to the arts. He grew up surrounded with creative people from all artistic genres yet demonstrated a unique viewpoint where he found his sense of calm. 20 Under 20, Younger Than Rimbaud at the Elga Wimmer PCC marks his debut show in Chelsea for this young artist who has shown exceptional creative skills and art exhibitions since age four. He was in View From Within last month at The Mark Borghi Gallery on the Upper East Side also currently at The Cupping Room. To master a craft by training, margins are set and growth is measured yet Mr. Lagache honed his own artistic talents throughout two decades.Evan Sebastian Lagache was accepted from over 4000 students to earn leading roles in the drama department at the Frank Sinatra School of the Arts. A creative developmental school built and frequented by TonyBennett and his wife. Mr. Lagache was surrounded by top musicians as Lady Gaga, Paul McCartney, and actors Kevin Spacey and Alec Baldwin to name a few. His passion was collecting material from the street and painting them. Doors, windows, skateboards and tables became his base for design.While other teenagers were finishing college applications, Evan was frequenting art stores and museums. He would set up his urban outdoor art studio at the base of Washington Square monument which stirred up crowds and park rangers. Daily paintings flooded in and out of his family home. An NYU art instructor spotted his work and said that they would offer him a scholarship if he kept developing his craft. He set out and began creating enormous panels. Some that would keep him out in the park to almost 1am waiting for the paint to dry in the development of his catalogue.
Whether it’s the creation of art, performing or celebrating the written word aero-dynamically balancing on a skateboard. The art industry discovered him before the paint dried. His mother Debbie Dickinson said, “One day, I got an urgent call to come to the Upper East Side Montessori School that Evan was attending.His teacher asked me to see what was going on. I feared what I was about to view but to my surprise; my son had built an architectural futuristic complex. The teacher’s response was, “He was always in motion, so we left him to wander about the classroom and he created an art piece