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The Tech that Saves Lives: FitGuard

Force Impact Technologies has come out with a groundbreaking product, FitGuard that may lower the statistics for severe to life threatening injuries sustained by student and professional athletes.

This mouth guard alters players and coaches to head injuries by lighting up in a tri-color code according to the severity of an injury. This revolutionary piece of tech seriously helps early detection and increases general safety. FitGuard continuously and proportionally samples acceleration rates. Once the acceleration has passed the designated and customized threshold the mouthpiece will activate the LED lights signaling for potential injury.


And what’s more? FitGuard links to your mobile device keeping track of dangerous events of impact. The ability to have incident data ready at hand allows players and coaches to track head injuries while maintaining injury protocol. Now on pre-sale FitGuard will be airing on television August 12th via CNBC’s Make Me a Millionaire. This up and coming safety standard is one piece of technology any athlete and coach should incorporate to raise their game to the next level.

Video and image courtesy of FITGuard