Telling A Story Through A Lense
Nadirah Zakariya is a one of a kind photographer who is currently engrossed in creating a name for herself in New York City. However, it won’t take long before she’s well known.Nadirah was born in Malaysia, lived her childhood in Texas, struggled through adolescence in Kuala Lumpur, found her path to photography in Japan, and realized herself and her true potential in New York. What separates her from anyone else that picks up a fancy camera is her passion. A lot of her work revolves around the theme of the absence of the concept of home, and her influences are as eclectic as her non-specific geographical rearing. It’s not clear if she intended for her globetrotting background to be exemplified in her work, but it most definitely shines through, like it or not. Her first solo exhibition, “Daughters Ago,” premiered at the Lomography Gallery Store in New York five months ago, and she’s busily preparing herself for her new role as a cinematographer for an upcoming film and various collaborative photography gigs. When asked to sum up her style of photography in three words, “raw, emotional, and personal” is what she responds with, and it is definitely evident in her photos. She originally photographed mainly portraiture, especially of women and children, but lately has been fascinated with the element of nostalgia. Stay on the lookout for more of her shows, becauseher work is truly one of a kind!
Source: Nadirah Zakariya