Knocki is a small wireless device that instantly transforms ordinary surfaces (walls, tables, doors, furniture, countertops, & more) into powerful yet easy to access remotes for your favorite devices and software.RAINE: What is the secret sauce behind your creative process?KNOCKI: We believe that when you get talented people together and give everyone a sense of ownership in the direction of the company, you achieve a culture that springs forth continued innovation and success. RAINE: What is belief that you live by that propels your brand.KNCOKI: Our company is guided by two principles. “Simple is better” and “Delight our customers”. By infusing these values into every facet of our efforts, we ensure we maintain what people love about Knocki throughout the user experience.RAINE: Do you have any inside tips that can guide entrepreneurs to financing their business?
KNOCKI: Funding isn’t just about a great idea or a great team; investors are looking for a return. If you’re providing a vitamin, make sure you give the user something completely unlike what they can find elsewhere. There are many vitamins to choose from. If you’re providing a pill, make sure it’s easy to swallow. This means accessible price, usability, messaging of value, etc. Finally, make sure the pain that it remedies is real. Don’t invent a solution for a problem that doesn’t really exist.RAINE: How can someone be the best leader they can be?KNOCKI: Be the person you want your team to be. They will follow your lead. However, if you expect others to do that which you are unwilling to do, your team will flounder.RAINE: What is your vision for identifying the best team?KNOCKI: Proven results and a track record of accomplishments are more important than anything. Many people can talk the talk, but far fewer can walk the walk.RAINE: How do you define your unique selling advantage?KNOCKI: It’s simple, actually. “Tap into your connected world through the surfaces around you”RAINE: Describe the difference between Entrepreneur vs 9-5?KNOCKI: Your passion is your outcome - your biggest dreams are your boss. You directly own your success or failure - it’s difficult and scary, but also exhilarating and liberating.
RAINE: 3 Things that help you find balance?KNOCKI: Exercise, my wife, and my kids. The first helps me unwind, the second two remind me what really matters.RAINE: Words of wisdom?KNOCKI: Failure is merely the refusal to learn, adapt, or get up after falling. In short, failure is not an outcome, but a choice.