Nintendo's New Console for Wii-U and I

If you have had or have played any of the following Nintendo consoles, Nintendo Nes-Console, Super Nintendo, or Nintendo GameCube, then the following announcement is for you! If not, you are also welcome to join the party!Every year geeks, nerds, and those who cannot wait to get their hands on the newest in videogame technology get ready for the E3 Conference, which according to the Entertainment Software Association (ESA) is, "the world's premier trade show for computer and video game related products". Nintendo's release of their new Wii-U console proves the ESA right once again. More than just a game console, the Nintendo Wii-U is also a home entertainment system and a technology hub. For starters all your favorite classic Nintendo games such as Super Mario Brothers and Nintendo Land are available, except this time the graphics are crispier, the game play is smoother, and your television is a humungous flat screen. The Wii-U GamePad, which is the pad with the screen, controls the consoles. It is a touch screen that allows you to take notes, control your television, and play games from your console if someone else wants to watch television in your household. Nerds and geeks feel at home with the GamePad and its classic control pad, x, y, a, and b buttons. It also has a rumble feature and motion sensor controls making game play feel as real as possible. Stay connected with your friends and family with the touch of the home screen button that allows you to see what other Wii-U users are online. Jump right into the summer with a new Nintendo Wii-U before they become too hot!Source: