Love at First Capture

Frustrated with your favorite gadget's charger always getting tangled up? Well fret no more. Pinza has found a solution to everyone's problem with their small and large cord holders that will straighten any gadget's cord out.PinzaEveryone loves their charger for their gadgets for any product. It is an essential as the gadget itself, because the gadget will not work without it. You know the feeling, when you open your brand new iPod or mp3 player, and you see the shiny white or black charger that comes with it. You love this charger, because your new favorite gadget will not work without it. As you become comfortable using your new gadget, you also become less careful about how you treated your charger. Once was now a clean and shiny charger, becomes a different color from when it was first brought because it has been tangled up with other cords, and taken from outlet to outlet with little safety in-between. That love that you once had for your charges soon disappears when you take a good look at it and see that it does not look the same as when you first brought. Soon you find yourself going to the apple store or Verizon store to buy a new charger for your gadget. Pinza has created its own product that will stop you from having to buy a new charger. There small and large cord holders keep cords for chargers, kindle cords, and other gadgets in place. This allows the chargers to remain straight, and look and function just as it did when you brought it. The Pinza cord holders also come in small and large sizes depending on the amount of cords you want held. Pinza saves your from buying a new cord and keeps the love between you and your first cord.Source: Pinza - Cord Holder

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