Kudos to You Uyo! Designer Creates SEXY Maternity Wear!

There is something to be said about how women look when they are pregnant. Many of them develop something called the pregnancy glow that can really be thought of as an aura of happiness, and then there’s the phenomenal sexiness of their curved bellies, which leads couples to trying different and creative exploits in the bedroom, or so we’ve heard.flirty-you-maternity-nursing-lingerieBut being pregnant, despite all the positives, can take a toll on a woman’s usual fashion sense; certain things become off limits, and unfortunately, they often involve lingerie. Luckily this aspect is changing, and pregnancy is getting sexier than ever before thanks to You! Lingerie, which has just released an amazing maternity line for expecting ladies.Bella-Cerise-Main-Shot-e1281973657857During Lingerie Fashion Week, pregnant models showed off some alluring lace, sheer stockings and some super seductive stilettos on the runway that are sure to bring the men wherever the women lead. This is a good thing. With how much pressure women experience to look good post-pregnancy, focusing and embracing their natural beauty during this incredible time seems to be a secondary concern.Azalea-Orchid-Main-Shot-e1281976103482The visionary behind the brand is designer Uyo Okebie-Eichelberger. During her own pregnancy, the difficulty of finding a “reasonably priced” nursing bra pushed her to venture out and make her own. Focused on creating an affordable and sexy product, You! Lingerie was launched in 2010, gaining recognition and widespread praise from real women. So kudos to you Uyo, kudos indeed, for designing beautiful garments for pregnant women in need.Photo Source: http://www.you-lingerie.com/