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JiHae's new album, Illusion of You

With so much music littering the internet and elsewhere, it becomes harder with each passing year to filter though the meaningful and the meaningless. A few months back we featured JiHae on our social pages and honestly her work is riveting and features strong lyrics that move you to believe in “good” music again.

   Jihae-2 6e8b38fcd4fd9f9eca3d8cfb46b242f5_large jihae_coverJihae-2JiHae's forthcoming album, Illusion of You is set against a backdrop of raw emotion and intimate lyrics that build on the experimental textures that she is known for. As the title suggest, Illusion of You gains inspiration from the idea that we are living in-between dreams. “…It’s an illusion that we show of ourselves. Who are we really inside?” JiHae's new album is a definite must and should be on your listening station for further review. The album is on pre-order on her website at JiHae, and due to be released in the Spring.