Raine Magazine

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The Ironbound Experience: Food & Wine Expo

Come one, come all and have your pallet transported on a journey through the Iberian Peninsula! The two-day Ironbound Wine and Food Expo experience introduced attendees to delectable delicacies and wonderful wines from Brazil, Portugal, and Spain. Sponsors who provided wines included Aidil Wines & Liquors, Campo Viejo, Danaide, Casa Ferreirinha, and Leo’s Choice – Wines of Portugal. Our two personal favorites, however, came by way of Esporão Wine. Defesa Rosé and 2 Castas were both somewhat tart, very flavorful, and presented an impactful kick to the taste buds. If consuming drier wines is not your idea of a match made in heaven, then we recommend Warre’s Warrior; a port wine excellently paired with desserts and cheese platters, perhaps as part of a well deserved rest and relaxation session with your closest friends.

The evening in many ways mirrored the wines that were on show; it was refreshing, memorable, and tasteful in every sense. There was a feeling of unity and patriotism and the promise of authenticity as we approached each booth to sample offerings. From the amazing wines we then moved on to the mouthwatering tapas provided by CATAS and MOMPOU. Not only did the deliciously addictive tapas exude the heart and soul of the Iberian Peninsula, but they were also necessarily practical, absorbing a few too many sips of red and whites along the way! The Ironbound Wine and Food Expo provided a night to remember, accentuated by great conversations amongst guests, vendors, and sellers. The pieza de resistencia, however, was the live jazz band that was accompanied by hand rolled cigars and flamingo dancers. The transportation of guests to a local bar in Lisbon, Portugal or Madrid, Spain was now complete. As the saying goes, “Eat, Pray, Love.” Saúde!