How to Explore a New Destination
How do you explore a new destination? We're talking about any place anywhere in the world. One way of doing it is to buy a travel guide and check out every attraction in the book, another is to go on a professionally guided excursion and spend the entire time listening to a stranger explain things to you. And yet another option, a much more exciting one is you ask us, is to participate in an enthralling surprise-filled scavenger hunt or geocaching mission.Scavenger hunts are pretty direct. There are hundreds of companies that can set one up for you. In NYC for instance, Watson Adventures provides a variety of different types. There are scavenger hunts that take place in a specific locations, such as the Metropolitan Museum of Art or even Grand Central Terminal, but scavenger hunts are also offered in NYC neighborhoods like the West Village, Chinatown or Little Italy. Depending on how much you want to see and how long you want to be on your mission determines which option you'll go for.
Scavenger hunts may have hidden objectives. You may have to gather clues to solve a murder mystery or simply find enough information to get access to a different hunt. Deciphering secret messages or planting meaningful object in tricky places are all part of the game. Regardless of which of these tickles your fancy, it will surely be a jolly good time for you and your friends.
Now, geocaching is a little bit harder to explain. You can think of it as a massive treasure hunt where people really do find coveted possessions left around by others. It works like this: the geocacher will get a specific coordinate to which he or she must then travel. Local geocaches will make you go to a specific place somewhere nearby, but a global geocach can require you to travel to a different country (or countries), or somewhere far within your own. When you get there, you will have to find the hidden treasure using a GPS.
Before you start envisioning diamonds and tiaras being buried under a tree, we must tell you that the items are of very little objective value, but are truly great in their symbolism or sentimentality. That's because the previous geocachers take an item from the cache and replace it with something of their own. This way, there is always something to find for someone else.Finding the stashed cache is not as easy at it may sound. You may have to dive in a lake or climb a mountain. Chances are you might have to scale a national monument or even a city landmark to get it, but regardless of the hardships, it will be one of the most fun experiences you could have exploring a new destination.Image Source: Wikipedia