Get Smart With Neckst Necklace

This story qualifies as both technology and fashion, but seeing as the item in question is more tech-y, it falls under the former. We're talking about the world's first smart necklace known as Neckst.

You can now make fashion statement while being technologically superior to all your friends at the same time! That's the dream, isn't it? At the very least, it's the next step in the evolution of jewelry. Neckst comes in several forms such as the necklace, ring, and bracelet, which can be worn fitted on your car. Once you have one of the Neckst options, you can download the app (only Android at the moment. Sorry, Apple users) on your phone, set a up a voice command in whatever language you want, and the two devices will be paired. Then, you can perform a variety of activities with your new multi-tasking bling: navigate, make phone calls, take pictures, translate, engage in social media, and a ton of other stuff. Neckst comes from Israel, the country with the most start-up companies than anywhere else in the world!