Nowadays, everyone is trying to get the latest app on their smartphones. This includes trying to top your friends on being the first to discover the new app or respectively on the consumer end of the scale by satisfying their customers by a wide margin with their invention. A peculiar new app by the name of Foresee with a clean, exquisite design is attempting to make its mark upon the smartphone world. A beautifully-designed app providing all the right info regarding an individual’s favorite outdoor activities except it only caters focus upon the type of outdoor activity along with the accompanying weather.The drawback of this new app is that it does not function singularly towards daily weather conditions. If this disadvantage is amended it would otherwise be proved powerful if used in conjunction with a committed forecast. This app is downloadable in both iPhone and iPad for only $2.99! The app does allow for you to set conditions solely based on your favored choice of activities, such as picnicking or hang gliding and providing you with the amicable weather conditions.“Here is how it works. First, choose from a list of more than 70 activities ranging from sedentary (eating ice cream) to adventurous (rock climbing). Then set the preferred time of day for your activity, and choose three variables from a menu consisting of your ideal temperature, the chance of rain you are willing to tolerate, and the level of cloud cover, wind, humidity and UV index. You can turn off the parameters you don’t care about.You can set up several activities, with different conditions for each.” - APPLE iOS
We can all assume that consumer expectations will only continue to grow, and right now with all the day-to-day apps setting high bars – Foresee should better their app if they wish to stay in the pot with their competitors.