Flipboard is Taking Over
If you are familiar with Flipboard – the content focused social platform that allows users to discover, curate and share their favorite news stories in a personalized magazine style format – then you are going to be pretty excited about its most recent development. Let us hear the sweet sound of you cheering; Flipboard is now available on your desktop Web browser!Keeping its slick layout and the signature page “flip” feature that made it a mobile favorite to begin with, Flipboard retains its intuitive design and diverse sharing options on the Web. Only now, it’s even better. Once users share the magazines through social media or by email, anyone, even those who don’t have Flipboard, can check them out. However, for non-users to create their own periodicals, they must create an account via their mobile devices (enter your tablet of smart phone) before they can curate their own content on the web.
Some of you may be wondering why this is a big deal. Magazines pertaining to every possible subject have been created and successfully shared via Flipboard. The networking implications of this platform are surprisingly wide reaching, and the overwhelmingly positive responses from users have been rather staggering. It is one of the fastest growing news sharing platforms around, and it’s going to get even bigger.
So far, Flipboard content is available in eleven languages making it an international phenomenon. The fact that the “e-magazines” are supported by various browsers such as Chrome, Safari, Firefox and others, only make it that much more appealing. And since you don’t need to pledge your allegiance to Apple iTunes or Google Play to get it on your mobile devices, as it’s available on both, Flipboard really does bring people together, just ask the millions of new users the company has acquired since it’s 2.0 version debuted earlier this year. So rejoice dear friends, rejoice! Flipboard is where’s it’s at, and it’s where you should be also. Information Source: flipboard.com, pcmag.comImage Source: facebook.com/flipboard/photos_stream