#HashTagMe: Facebook to Employ Popular Indexing Method
The geniuses over at Facebook understand how important it is to stay relevant in their ever-changing social networking realm. Just when we thought, they had thought of just about everything…
Mark Zuckerburg and company are working diligently at Facebook’s Palo Alto, California headquarters to incorporate the Twitter and Instagram-style hashtag searching method on the mega-social platform. The added feature would group the millions of conversations its users are having daily.The hashtag grouping technique, initially made popular by Twitter, essentially provides the ability for users to follow the input - on the exact, related or similar topic - of other users on that network. If you haven’t already taken note, the hastag effect has quickly swept over leading media outlets. Major television networks, radio stations, and even printed publications are, not only embracing but also incorporating the hashtag methodology.
Without doubt, it is an effective way to systemize and facilitate rapid development of conversations between user groups on current or “trending” topics and events. From a business perspective, the implementation of the trending topic hashtag practice gives users yet another reason to remain logged in…and ultimately subject themselves to more online advertisement.Since its inception, Facebook has provided a tagging feature for users, and they have more recently made the feature available for brand-based Pages and locations. With a new hashtagging feature, any user who wanted their posts to reach a larger audience would simply include the infamous “#,” sit back and watch their LIKE count rise, while Facebook’s search engine included the user’s post in a pool of related topics.The hashtag concept has already been adopted by other prominent social networks such as the aforementioned Twitter, Google+, Tumblr, Pinterest and Instagram – which is as a matter-of-factly, owned by Facebook. Although “sources familiar with the matter,” have confirmed Facebook is working on the attribute but could potentially take a while to release, per usual, #Facebook #does #not #comment #on #rumor #or #speculation.Sources: WSJImage Sources: WeLoveSoaps, WhiteHouse.gov, WonInAMill¥