Cocktails, Concoctions, and Creations: Liquor Lab SoHo

When one thinks of cocktails, alcoholic beverages or libations – whatever your preference there is always one solidifying factor in bringing individuals together. It’s a form of socializing and comradery amongst your best mates. What better way to be the life of the party, and dare we say ‘the hostess with the mostess’ than to concoct the classics we all know and love. Liquor Lab SoHo enables the bartender in all of us through a hands-on, interactive craft beer, wine, spirits and cocktail event space.  Learn how to mix, shake and stir by the pros who know it best!Liquor Lab SoHo is located in the heart of Manhattan’s eclectic and alternative scene filled with trendsetters, movers, and shakers of various industries. The “revolutionary cocktail class and event space” originated in Chicago, IL led by mastermind and president Owen Meyer who directed a successful one-year pilot before branching out to the Empire State. Being a certified spirit specialist with prior sales experience founding New York’s Wine and Whiskey Club Meyer noticed a missing component within the beer, wine, and spirits experience. Meyer wanted to create a hands-on experience that unified individuals in an intimate setting.
Liquor Lab opened its New York City doors to the public on January 4, 2018. We couldn’t help but get in on the action attending their Brunch Cocktails class held every Sunday. The 50-person session is open to the public (ages 21+) led by industry professionals, including certified beer, wine, and spirits specialists. The atmosphere was relaxed and inviting, where bartender novice felt at ease to know that the person sitting to the left, right or even the back of them had little to no experience in making a cocktail beside a splash of this and a dash of that. Classes are lead by Liquor Lab’s CCO (Chief Cocktail Officer) Freddie Sarkis responsible for contributing to significant programs such as Celeste, Bordel, and the Broken Shaker in Chicago. Sarkis was very approachable and personable as he shook everyone’s hands introducing himself; talk about service with a smile. He went on to explain the tools that were laid out in front of each participant including bartender essentials such as a bar shaker mat, ice bucket, weighted base shaker, jigger, cocktail strainer, bar spoon, and a muddler. Then the real fun began.Each class creates four cocktails depending on what the theme of your session is on that given day accompanied by small plate pairings. The brunch cocktails class composed of the following: The Orange Shandy, The Brunch Cocktail, The Morning Margarita and The Matcha Mint Julep – all very delicious, but our favorite had to be the Match Mint Julep. Yes, call us a cliché, call us trendy for liking all things matcha, matcha, and more matcha to follow the phenomenon that’s currently sweeping NYC, but we digress. The two-hour experimental sessions are devoted to crafting the classics we bombard the bartender with on a night out, including but not limited to step-by-step Margarita making, Manhattans, Japanese Whiskey & Ice Carving, Bourbon vs. Whiskey, and wine and beer craft sessions. Participants are allowed 10-15-minute breaks in-between cocktail making to socialize, network and become familiar with their fellow pupils as well as the instructor. It’s a great way to bond and create new relationships amongst like-minded professionals.F. Scott Fitzgerald said it best, “First you take a drink, then the drink takes a drink, then the drink takes you.” In this case, may the drink take you in the best way possible as the envy amongst your friends and the token bartender at your next ragging shindig. Interested in putting your bartender skills to the test or hosting a private event? Tickets start at $55/person purchased via Stay connected and let us know what some of your favorite cocktails, concoctions, and creation were. 
CultureIesha Coppin