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Brain Tech - Science Meets Beauty

To get a sense of how your brain works, you first have to imagine that it's clear, that you can see right through it and watch how it works. Try to grasp how amazing it really is.

Visualize new neural connections forming and observe how axons send information to other axons; you are witnessing your most amazing feature at work, and may become humbled by the incredible delicacy and power of it.Our brains have gotten us “out of the food chain”; they built civilizations, started and ended wars, established and broke laws, made incredible leaps in medicine, and created truly wondrous technological marvels, including the one we are referring to here: a chemical treatment that turns brains clear so that we can see their magnificent wiring, and it can be applied to other whole organs as well.Science is miraculous because it often brings imagination to life, and this is just one of its most recent accomplishments; our most incredible feature can be observed in action in unprecedented detail, letting us see the force that made our world what it is. Appropriately called CLARTIY, it was devised by Karl Deisseroth along with his team at Standford University, which is based in California.If prior to CLARITY scientists used slides of brain tissue to understand how the brain works, a full 3D view of the brain has never been accessible before. The implications of the invention are massive; if we can understand how our brain works and how its different parts interact together, we may very well make leaps and bounds in the neuroscience, general medicine, research, as well across a bunch of other areas.This just may be the most amazing thing we have been able to do to our brains!