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Art Meets Fashion at FIG

We're impatiently anticipating the official start of New York Fashion Week (2014). There's just something ridiculously thrilling about seeing what designers annually come up with. Yes, we are aware of the fact that it's still pretty far away, that's why in the meantime, we decided to check out the Fashion Illustration Gallery otherwise known as FIG. We love getting our creative juices going.

Andy WarholAndy Warhol 

It's widely acknowledged that art and fashion are old associates. Their business relationships started long before the reign of fashion photography and in many ways will remain the most iconic one. We've all seen incredible sketches that eventually became actualized designs, that's because amazing illustrators - visionaries even - were an integral part of the blossoming fashion industry from the very beginning.Some of these legends are none other than Rene Gruau (1972), Bobby Hillson (1965), Jean – Philippe Delhomme (2002) and Andy Warhol (1983), amongst other notable names. It's worth noting that many of these talents are not always recognized for their contributions to the fashion world. Take Warhol for instance, the eccentric artist and filmmaker is more known for his soup-can prints than he is for his fashion sketches. Much like Jean - Philippe Delhomme, who wasn't just a fashion illustrator but a popular writer and painter as well. Nonetheless they had an extremely profound influence on the industry.It's true; not all of us take fashion seriously in our daily lives but most of us would agree that there are some impressively original, never mind obscenely beautiful, pieces of wearable art out there in the world, therefore we can't wait till Fashion Week. It's the best of both worlds.Left to Right: Rene Gruau (2 images), Tanya Ling (Two Images)Image and Info Source: Fashion Illustration GalleryRene GruauRene Gruau (1968)Tanya Ling (2012)Tanya Ling 2012