TOP 25 Best of New York fashion Week Shares

New York Fashion Week S/S'16 made New York City the Mecca of all destinations this past week. With all the who's who of fashion in town both nationally and internationally. There was a plethora of established and emerging talent showcasing collections for S/S'16. Technology has made this fashion week an even bigger fascination than in the past, with instant sharing abilities. In minutes we were able to see beautiful presentations, collaborations, launch parties and installations from New York Fashion Week right from the screen of our phones. Here's the round up of the TOP 25 best of New York Fashion week as shared via instant media.

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This New York Fashion week's Spring 2016 presentations were all about the details. From the accessories, heavy beading, elaborate crowns and themed productions, most shows offered up more than clothes, delivering the experience behind the brand.

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Who's who behind the scenes and in front rows, and cool blogger street style were just as much a fascination as the runway shows. Top trending shows with the most buzz during New York Fashion week included Marc Jacobs, Betsey Johnson's 50th anniversary and last show, Givenchy's first New York show celebrating the opening of their Madison Avenue store & new denim line, and Alexander Wang's 10th anniversary show. Some underground, but well put together shows were also the rave on social media including Fashion Palette's collections of Australian designers, Small Boutique Fashion week, Impact New York fashion week. Most shows outside of the tents seemed to migrate towards Chelsea Piers, while other designers went for the boutique feel of a hotel presentation. With all the live streaming on Periscope and Snapchat, instant tweets and Instagram - we just all happened to be at the same place at the same time enjoying each unique experience.

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