Go Big, Think Small – The Small is Beautiful: Miniature Art Exhibition
The Small is Beautiful: Miniature Art Exhibition is a unique experience that will immerse visitors in the peculiar, yet wonderful world of miniature art.
The exhibition showcases over 130 miniature artworks from more than 30 internationally acclaimed artists, offering visitors a rare opportunity to discover and appreciate this incredibly skillful, yet under-recognized art form up close. The material on display varies in genre and includes photography, sculpture, miniature food, and more.
Attention to detail is paramount at the exhibition, and fans of the mini phenomenon can bring their childhood imaginations back to life inside several small-scale universes.
Some of the smallest works in the exhibition are only visible under the microscope. Attendees will also enjoy a guided scavenger hunt where they will search for artworks hidden throughout the exhibit, a curated art shop where they can discover even more new artists and creative miniature art workshops for kids.
The beautiful in the small
Small is Beautiful was born from social networks, where there are hundreds of miniature artists, who each introduce their vision of a world on a reduced scale. The expression "Small is beautiful" was originally proposed by Leopold Kohr and used in the economics book Small is
Beautiful: A Study of Economics as if People Mattered by Ernst Friedrich Schumacher. This book advocates a return to a society that is commensurate with the size of the human being, in the face of the gigantism that has become the norm.
Each of the artists expresses their own "small is beautiful" in their creations, consciously or not. This is why Small is Beautiful - the first international and innovative immersion in the universe of miniature art - gathers such a wide audience in its unique artistic experience.
“One of the main purposes of the experience is to be able to give the public the chance to discover miniature art in real life,” says Serge Victoria, producer of the exhibit - which premiered in Paris in 2021. The exhibit is brought to you in partnership with Fever, the leading live entertainment discovery platform, and Encore Productions.
Small is Beautiful, which TimeOut called “mind-blowing,” is suitable for all ages with aspects that will amuse and astound audiences.
The show is running Tuesday - Saturdays in NYC. More info is available here.