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Boldness Starts With The Mind

Do we control our lives? 

Are we in control of our mind?  90-99% of our behaviors and motivations in any given situation are subconscious.  This means that how we act and react in our relationships are PREDETERMINED. These conditioned responses are based off of survival mechanisms that we developed as far back as when we were in the womb.  We are not actively thinking and coming up with present day conclusions/solutions about life scenarios.

The question we need to ask ourselves is; Do these thought patterns (survival mechanisms) still serve me today or are they holding me back in life.  I worked with a CEO of a large real estate company.  He would constantly get neck spasms when he had to speak to his board.  We used a technique called Neuro Emotional Technique (N.E.T) that led us to the cause of his issue.  When he was a young child he would have to present his homework to his father and if the homework was not satisfactory his father would strike him.  This man developed a survival mechanism as a boy, that when he presented something to others he would tense his muscles to prepare for a possible strike if the presentation was unsatisfactory.  Now at 60+ years old and being the CEO of a powerful company we had to ask, Do we still need this conditioned response? Of course the answer was no. 

How can we fix this? How can we retrain our subconscious mind?  The subconscious learns through repetition.  Affirmations are an amazing way to take control of our minds and use the law of attraction.  Do this by making a list of all the things you want for yourself.  This includes how you want to feel, how you want to be, what your surroundings look like etc.  My list includes things such as I live in the present moment, I trust my decision-making, I trust the process of life.  Read these to yourself while looking into a mirror.  Another option for our audio learners is record these statements and listen to them.  The more you practice the faster the results!

If our subconscious mind is not in alignment with our conscious mind we are much less likely to achieve our goals and ambitions.  A quote I use often is,  “Our dominating intentions attract; through the shortest and most convenient route, through a definite law of nature; there physical counterpart so be careful what your thoughts dwell upon. Practice your affirmations and reprogram your subconscious mind, to allow yourself to be BOLD, attract and accept all your dreams and aspirations.   

Justin Cobb attended the University of Central Florida (UCF) where he studied Physical Therapy and Athletic Training. Justin returned to UCF as a professor to Pre-Medical and Pre-Physical Therapy students while also working for Cirque Du Soleil and Sports Specific Training and Rehabilitation. During his tenure, Justin has earned numerous postgraduate certifications including Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) and Neuro Emotional Techniques (N.E.T).  He is now the founder and president of New Dimensions Wellness in Orlando, Florida.