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5 ways to Embrace your Bold

This summer, I started a new activity. Mountain Biking!  Crazy right? Why would I want to bike on root ridden trails, climb up excruciatingly steep hills and then go down them at breakneck speed? Well, this summer, I decided that I was going to be fearless, daring, and courageous. This summer, I decided to embrace my bold!

Being bold isn't just a feeling. You can have outrageous ideas that can change your life for the better and over the top actions to help you overcome obstacles — being bold means to have confidence in yourself and not to be afraid to commit.  To be bold is to brave enough, confident enough to take risks. Embracing your inner boldness is the way to go, so let's look at five ways to do that.

#1. Take a plunge into something completely different and new.  If there is something that seems terrifying, just thinking about it that you have always wanted to try, this is the time to do it.  Try eating that hard to pronounce dish contemplated trying but never have. How about taking that spin class you didn't think you could finish?  The key is to go in with an all or nothing attitude.

#2. Volunteer for a cause you can stand firmly behind.  Take a few hours of your week to commit to changing your world for the better.  Sometimes people are afraid to pour themselves into something for fear that it isn't worth the sacrifice.  Do it anyway! Being confident in the importance of your cause could help bring others awareness, and you might create a movement. Ask Greta Thunberg.

#3. Enjoy your alone time. Having a vacation or staycation should at least be done once by yourself.  Go to the beach or the mountains. Maybe even take a dance class alone. Sometimes we are afraid of what people will think when they see us alone. Who cares.  Be fearless enough to sign up for that Salsa class on your own or go off to the cabin and meditate.  You'll be surprised at the outcome. 

#4. Buy a hot pink anything or neon blue or a beautiful bold orange.  Why stop there? Wear something you wouldn't normally wear for fear of being seen as a nonconformist.  The goal: don't conform. Be daring and surprising in your choices. Showoff that yellow button-down shirt or the red pants to the office. And have a great time doing something different.  

#5. Talk to that new coworker or neighbor who everyone thinks is scary. Ignore the fact that they give you that squinty face; every time you pass them, do it anyway.  Be courageous, take the first step, and introduce yourself.  You never know, perhaps the squints are from a need of glasses.  You may even find yourself with a lifelong friend.

No matter what you do, do it with confidence and commitment.  Work at being the bravest version of you and embrace your bold!